For you.
There we go.
Imam! If we're looking for water,
we should leave soon.
Before nightfall, while it's cooler.
Excuse me.
I think you should see this.
Three suns?
Bloody hell.
So much for your nightfall.
So much for my cocktail hour.
We take this as a good sign...
...a path, direction from Allah.
Blue sun, blue water.
Ever wondered why I'm an atheist?
It's a bit of a bad sign.
That's Riddick's direction.
I thought you found his restraints
over there. Towards sunset.
Right. Which means
he went towards sunrise.
Fully-loaded clip. Safety's on.
One shot if you spot him, okay?
Don't tell me you're going off, too.
What happens if Mr. Riddick spots us first?
There'll be no shots.
Seven stones to keep the devil at bay.