Plata quemada

...Get out, kid!
It looks different from here.
It's like a Martini ad on TV.
I once got drunk on Martini.
I thought I'd have blondes
in bikinis

coming at me,
and I ended up in a hospital.

Oh! I fucked the nurse,
she was gorgeous
and had a huge ass.

Shall we make a move, guys?
Want me to choke?
I don't see the old man. And I'm sick
of everyone giving me orders.

We're going.
Fuck me, right?
Am I just the driver?
I may be untimely, brother,
but I feel it all in here.

Do you think
it doesn't hurt?

That I don't miss Vivi?
Seeing you on a honeymoon.

I'm not blind.
I have to take you for a drive...
to the beach...

Look, that lovebite...
You don't get those marks
carrying heavy bags.

I really screwed up.
I can only guarantee, Angel,
that I didn't do it.

I may be a lot of things but I don't
fuck asses that belong to my friends.

Or is it his?
Who fucks who, here?
