Preferisco il rumore del mare

Rosario is a knucklehead, Luigi.
He's smart, but he's too clammed up.

Last year, when his mom died,
we passed round the hat for him.

We've raised almost ten million
lire. Do you know what he did?

He refused the money. He sent
us a nice letter in which he said:

"I thank you all,
but I don't need this money."

Got it? He's too proud.
Anyway, we're all like that.

- What will you do next winter?
- What should I do?

Where do you guys have
a view like this one up North?

I don't understand
how you can live up there.

Pasqualino Lo Forte said when he
went to the factory he was scared...

because people's faces were
all gray. They all seemed ill.

Come on, Vincenzo, when
did that happen? 2O years ago!

Now there aren't even workers
in factories anymore, only robots.

Okay, but you can't deny that
you guys are sadder up North.

- You're the sad one, Vince'.
- Come on, are you kidding?

I go to the beach six months
a year, I'm always outdoors.

- We're fine here, I tell you.
- Are you sure?

- Why don't you come up for a while?
- Where to? Turin?

- What would I do there?
- You could work.

Stop wasting your time,
set your mind straight.

I'll be glad to lend you a hand.
- You would?
- I will.

That way you could bring us
a little of your high spirits.

- I must think on it.
- Okay, but don't think too much.

Thanks, Luigi. I love you, man.
Good morning, sir, how do you do?
Mr. Cappabianca is waiting for you.

I told him to schedule
an appointment, but he insisted.

- Sir.
- Good morning.

- I'm sorry to bother you.
- No problem.

- So? Speak to me.
- It 's a rather delicate matter.

Don't worry, you can talk.
I was summoned to appear
before the judge next week.
