What do you mean?
Why did you order it, then?
Excuse me, but you ordered it. You
never asked what we'd like to have.
I like this, but your son
would rather have a milkshake.
- And why didn't you say so?
- I did. Maybe you didn't hear me.
Of course. I can't hear you when
you speak. You speak too low.
Excuse me.
May I come in?
Are you saying your prayers?
Good thing you pray in here,
because nobody else does anymore.
- How did it go?
- Fine, thanks.
- You don't seem too happy.
- It all went fine, Don Lorenzo...
but you've got to be used
to be around that kind of people.
- What kind of people?
- People like Mr. Guarnieri.
- Gentlemen.
- What do you mean, gentlemen?
Luigi comes from
a family just like yours.
- But now he's become a gentleman.
- And why would that be a bad thing?
It isn't. You asked me
a question and I answered.
- How do you feel in here?
- Fine.
- Did you make any friends?
- A few.
Try and keep the enthusiasm down,
will you? Just clam up like always.
Go to sleep. And try to stay calm.
I am calm.
Nice dreams, Rosario.
- Rosario.
- You, here? Don't you have class?
We've cut class today.
This is Adele. Adele, Rosario.
- Hi.
- Hi.
We're going up the hill. It 's awesome,
you can see the whole city.
And while we do nothing up there,
we think about the others in class.
- I like that. Come with us.
- Thanks, but I can't. I've got work.