...holding K and R policies
in the west-Asian, post-Soviet republics.
This area is clearly
in a critical state of transition...
...and demands
the most vigorous security precautions.
What did they bill last year,
our three underwriters?
Total premium?
-$28 million.
-And the ransom total?
Paid out on policies?
$26 million.
Bloody hell.
Set up some premium meetings.
Wave the red flag a bit.
Excellent job, Terry. Thank you.
As always, outstanding.
Where are we next? Pakistan?
Peter, is that you?
Baby, it's me.
Can you hear me? lt's about tonight.
l'm shopping for dinner.
The goodnews is, l'll definitely be back.
Yeah? Go on.
We've got to go to this thing tonight.
The dinner. The charity event.
You're kidding, right?
No. l'm getting completely screwedhere.
None ofmy equipment's here.
None ofthe stufftheypromised.
l've got 60 guys running around thejungle
with nothing to do.
Something is really messed up here.
l'm going to pin
these bastards down tonight.
You really want to put me
at a table full of oil executives?