Proof of Life

His mom said
he was exactly the same as a baby.

She's right, you know.
Hey, baby.
l was worried about you.
-l told you he'd make it.
-Hi, Peter.

-Let's find our tables.
-We'll see you inside.

Look at you,
all decked out in Norma's duds.

lt's my debut as a corporate wife.
Whatever it is...
:09:34 is working.
l'm dressing like this all the time now.
You ought to come around more often.

-l guess l got some making up to do.
-l guess so.

l just want to know
what the hell is going on.

-Nobody called?

l was there all day.
Hey, y'all. Sorry we're late.
-Where is everybody?
-Nobody called you?

Are you shitting me?
Fellner, Buddy and their gang left
for Houston this morning. A powwow.

Peggy said if he was going, she was going.
l guess all the girls jumped on that.
