This is a game.
lt's a game youplay,
whether you like it or not.
For you, it's emotional. For thepeople
holding Peter, it's a business.
The sooner you get comfortable
and objective about that...
...the easier this willbe.
People take hostages all over the world.
Sometimes, it's purely terror...
...other times it's political,
propaganda purposes.
Down here, it's simply about money.
...where is Peter? Where is he now?
Probably in the mountains.
He's probably been taken by the ELT.
...l just got off a plane.
Can we back up a little bit here, please?
This ELT...
...this group, who the hell are they?
And how can you be so sure
they're the ones who have my brother?
This is a land reform movement.
These people are revolutionaries.
lnitially, there was a political agenda.
However, what you must understand is...
...today's version ofthe EL T...
...is a completely different animal.
Twenty years ago...
...they were a struggling Marxist
revolutionary group in the mountains.
The end ofthe Cold War
changed everything.
The money from Moscow dried up...
...and the ELThad to finda new way
to support itself.
So they got into kidnapping,
which has made them millions.
Then they realized they were sitting on
an even bigger goldmine.
Behind Colombia, Tecala is the world's
largest supplier ofcocaine.
The ELThad the weapons andan unlimited
supply ofpoor, illiterate soldiers.
They came in hardand they came in fast,
and they took over the drug trade.
Whatever political agenda
they started with...
...has been completely perverted.
Did you know that when you moved here?
Listen. Can we get practical here,
just for a second?
Can you just explain how this works,
step by step?
We wait for contact,
they make a demand, we start negotiating.
Negotiate? What's to negotiate?