Mr. Thorne, you're leaving so soon.
Perhaps next time we can go dancing.
Boy, did you have me fooled.
-l was just about to call you.
-Where, from the plane?
You stood in my house and you told me
that l didn't have to worry anymore.
We thought Quad Carbon was still a client.
What about us? We can't be the client?
l really am sorry.
lt's not a good situation for us either.
You stood in my kitchen and you told me
my husband was coming home.
Quad Carbon is out of business, okay?
Octonal spends $40 million a year
on K and R insurance in the world.
My company has 30 percent
of that package.
-Octonal does not like conflict.
-Peter doesn't work for Octonal.
That's the point and the way they want it.
No Quad Carbon confusion.
l'm not even supposed to talk to you.
-So, this is you being brave?
-No, this is me doing my job.
lt's good l came by then, right?
Let you get that off your chest.
l'm sure it'll all work out.
You know they're giving us
some local security guy?
Exactly the kind of guy
you warned me about.
What can l say? l don't make policy.
Great. So when this is over
and my husband is dead...
...and l'm suing these bastards,
you can tell the judge...
...you did everything you could
to help me out?
Wait a minute. Wait!
Listen to me, l'm sorry.
l apologize. l'm sorry!
l'm sorry to be like this...
...you are...
...the first, you are the only person...
...l've met who knows
what they're talking about.
So, l'm begging you, l am totally
begging you to help me out on this.
You asked me not to bullshit you, right?