They always start with a big number.
He says that in order to make it better
for Peter's care and food...
...and to prove to us that he's alive,
they want to get a first transfer...
...as a gesture of good faith.
As soon as possible.
First transfer being what?
1 .5 billion pesos.
-lt's only $50,000.
Can l talk to him?
No, l don't think so.
This guy is going to make one last contact.
He will let us know where to go for this.
But, ladies...
...the important thing is that Peter is alive.
This is very positive.
lt's very fast.
A case like this? Very fast.
-Could you excuse us for a minute, please?
Thank you.
l am not trusting that man with $50,000.
-What is the alternative?
-You feel good about this? About him?
This whole thing feels thrown together.
lt feels out of control.
There's more than one person
who does this.
You've been calling for two days
and nothing!
l want to wait for the guy in Miami.
How long, five days, two weeks? You want
to comparison-shop? Peter is alive now!
Peter is my little brother.
l'm trying to be smart about this.
l've never done this before.
l know. l'm just....
l know.
l know.
Ask him where he thinks l'll go?