Remember your manners.
Here it is.
It's the last chapter.
Monsieur Masse says
he'd like another manuscript
quick as he please.
- He can't print them fast enough.
- I'll pass the word on.
I'll pay you another visit with
a share of the profits once it's sold.
- I'll be waiting.
- Perhaps, one day,
you'll tell me your name.
All right, we're all clear.
- Thank you.
- Marquis de Sade's Justine.
Latest edition, straight
from the printer's. Justine.
Marquis de Sade.
"Our story concerns
a nymph named Justine,;
"as pretty a maid as ever
entered the nunnery,
- "with a body so firm and ripe...
- Come on, boy.
"it seemed a shame
to commit it to God.