They're filled with cream, yes ?
You know I shan't touch them
unless they're positively...
erupting with cream.
What else have you brought
that I might nibble upon ?
- Donatien, you mustn't.
- Hmm ?
Tell me.
What other little treats ?
Shame on you, truly.
For fuck's sake, woman.
Bonbons ?
Am I to sit here gorging myself
on useless trifles,
sucking on your little sweetmeats,
when what I truly require,
what I truly need...
are a few quill pens,
perhaps a pot of ink ?
- Forgive me. I beg you.
- Don't you see ?
I've been raped.
- Far more egregiously than any
of my wretched characters.
- How was I to know, darling ?
How was I to tell you,
by writing a letter ?
With what, my asinine bride ?
I beg you, Donatien,
as your wife, your only ally,
you must stop making a monstrous
spectacle of yourself!
- You have come to lecture me ?
- To flaunt your deviance
in public upon a stage ?
They have put you up to this,
haven't they ?
You should court the doctor's favor,
not his contempt.
The doctor ? I ought to
carve my name into his backside
and fill the wounds with salt !
You're here, safe,
surrounded by brick and mortar.
My prison is far crueler.
It has no walls.
Everywhere I go,
they point and whisper.
At the opera, they hiss at me
when I take my box.
When I went to church, the priest
refused to even hear my confession.
He said I was already damned.
Why must I suffer
for your sins ?
That's the way
of all martyrs, isn't it ?
Give me back my anonymity.
That's all I ask.
Let me be invisible again.
You tell me, have you ever done anything
to secure my release ? No.
Have you petitioned
the courts ? Never !