Why didn't you say so,
Dusan, get our friend Harvey
to burn the flag.
You can always cut it out after
if you don't like it...
Bosa, why are you
messing around?
Look at him,
like McCloud himself.
How I love this war!
Senka! Her name's Senka!
- Shit, he's bloody useless.
Lie a bit, guys, else he'll
walk out. Come on, Bosa.
Well done, Harvey!
This is amazing.
- Once more, only without acting.
Without acting?
Do you fancy a drive?
- Maybe in some other life.
How about like this?
Don't guys, he's on our side.
He loves Serbia.
That's it. Great, honey!
Come on, guys, let's go.
While the iron's hot.
We'll can it this time.
Scene 5, shot 8, take 24.
Calm down, guys. He's on
our side. He loves Serbia.
So why doesn't
he burn the flag?