We'll build ourselves an atmosphere
we can breathe.
And for 20 years it seemed to work.
It looked like we'd pulled it off.
Then all of a sudden,
oxygen levels started to drop.
We don 't know why.
The international community has thrown
all its resources behind us.
It's the greatest undertaking man
has ever attempted.
Our ship, Mars-1 , is too massive to
launch from the surface of the planet.
We've shuttled to the high-orbit
space station...
...for a low-gravity launch to begin
our six-month trip:
The first manned mission to Mars.
The hope and survival
of mankind rests on us.
But I know we'll solve the problem.
Because the best scientific minds are
going there to find the answer.
And I'm leading the mission.
I'm Bowman, pilot
and mission commander.
Chantilas, chief science officer
and the soul of the crew.
Santen, a hothead,
but a fine copilot.
Gallagher, our mechanical systems
engineer. Maintenance.
Frankly, not my first choice.
The two civilian members
of the team are:
Burchenal, one of the world's leading
bioengineers, his own greatest hero.
... terraforming expert and last-minute
replacement on the science team.
And packed away in her box, AMEE:
Autonomous Mapping Exploration
and Evasion.
A multi-task robot on loan
from the Marines.