Let's forget all the hypotheticals
for a second, okay?
I say. . .
. . .to hell with humanity.
I say, commander Bowman. . .
. . .when we get to Mars,
we just take it.
We just take it over for ourselves.
call Earth, tell them it sucks
and don't bother coming?
Yeah. Whatever keeps out the riffraff.
You can do the religion thing.
Gallagher, you can keep
the space john working, and. . .
. . .Pettengil's passed out. . .
. . .and I can handle pretty much
everything else, you know.
What about me?
Well, you'll be my queen.
Propagation of the species.
It's just a. . . .
It's just a joke.
commander Bowman, it was a. . . .
And on that note, gentlemen,
I suggest we retire.
Mars-1 , Houston.
You have acquired orbit.
Congratulations on 182 days
of smooth sailing.
And welcome to Mars. Houston out.