And stop !
Move in !
Listen to this.
"I've made my list
and I've checked it twice.
"As long as you're naughty,
it's gonna be nice.
"All that gets me through the day, is to
close my eyes and imagine holding you,
"kissing you, touching you.
"Because I know I'll feel
at that moment...
I've found the reason
for my whole entire life."
She sounds pretty mature
for 25.
Yeah !
You grow up in Detroit,
you get matured real quick.
Yeah. Either that
or those pictures are ten years old.
Sure as hell don't
make me miss Millie Bobeck.
Guess I owe Millie, though.
Ifl hadn't been
rolling her,
I would've never
ended up here.
Yeah. You hadn't have cracked that guy's head open,
you never would've found true love.
Ya know, Nick, what if
she sees you and, you know,
you just don't do it for her,
you know, I mean physically ?
She just... It's not there.
What're you gonna do ?
Well, me and her,
we got a connection.
Jesus Christ.
Get this fuckin' shit...
- out of my face.
- You should've written to that magazine.
I should've, yeah.
I'm gonna walk outta here. I'm gonna
walk right into a relationship.
And you, my friend,
will walk out with your bus fare.
Searching for
the drunkest skirt in the room.
That's right.
"Morning, gorgeous. More eggnog ?"
- Should've written, Rudy.
You'd have got yourself a girl.
Yeah, should've done
a lot of things.
All I want is just
to make it back to Sidnaw,