Reindeer Games

Hey, a hundred bucks
to wear this jacket.

- Jesus, don't kill me !
- Relax, kid, nobody's gonna kill you.

Santa's gonna give you a hundred bucks
and a wild west jacket.

Hey, baby.
Gimme one of those.

- How're you ?
- Fuckin' freezing.

How long you work here ?
Five years, since it opened.
- How long since your makeover ?
- My what ?

I'm talkin' about the place. The
remodeling, moving everthing around.

The Tomahawk's been the same ever since I started,
buddy. It's the losers that change.

Lyin' motherfucker !
Go, kid, go !
Hey !
Shit !
- It's your jacket, you can have it !
He gave me a hundred bucks. - Shit !

- What the hell happened, man ?
- The man fucked up !

This building is the same from day one !
It hasn't been changed !

Monster, he was talkin' to the manager
inside there. There he is !

Go, go, go, go !
Come on !
Get him back !
