Reindeer Games

That's upstairs !
You'll wanna get to that.

We're gonna get
to the pow-wow safe.

That's good.
We're gonna get there.

What you wanna do is,
you got to get a guy in the cage...

and a guy on the foor
and somebody up top.

Then you need a sweeper
on the side,

look out out front
and somebody watching the back.

So that's... how many ?
That's six.

Well, we got five.
We're keeping Ashley outside.
And you need six.
I... Look, man, I'm not
making this shit up, you know ?

You go in there with five guys, you're gonna
either leave an exit or an alarm unguarded.

- No.
- I know what I'm talking about.

Raise your hand if you've
ever done a robber before.

Anyone ? Anyone ?
Who's done... done a robbery,

raise your hand.
Okay. I have.
You need six, Gabriel.
You do. What are you
gonna do about it ?

All right. I want a drawing
of that security level.

Ever door, ever guard,
ever ashtray.

Yeah. All right.
So, six guys,
that's six guns.

No way.
Well, what am I gonna do ?
I'm no threat without a gun.

- No, you're not.
- What's the matter, Gabriel ?

Isn't this what
you wanted him for ?

- Areas of expertise ?
- No guns.

Well, you know, fine.
It's up to you.

What you've got to figure out is how you're
gonna get up to that security level...

without anybody knowing
anything's wrong.

I can tell you right now, going
in there with A.K.s and ski masks...

ain't gonna do that.
Well, that part, Nick,
was planned out the day
I read your letters.
