In Virginia,
high school football
is a way of life.
It's bigger
than Christmas day.
My daddy
coached in Alexandria.
He worked so hard,
my mama left him,
but I stayed with Coach.
He needed me on that field.
Up until 1971
in Alexandria,
there was no race mixing.
Then the school board
forced us to integrate.
They combined the white school
and the black school into one
T. C. Williams High School.
Murderer! Murderer!
hat summer
a black teenager was killed
by a white store owner,
and the city was
on the verge of exploding.
!! Well, my mind
is goin' through some changes!!
You've caused
enough damage!
- This is my store!
- Back off.
Blue left!
Blue left! Left!
Come on, Kurt, don't let Ray
back you down like that!
You're twice his size!
What are they doing?
If they keep playing like that,
we'll lose every game!