Remember the Titans

your daddy's future
place in the hall.

You can't just walk in here
and take my daddy's job away!

That is enough, Sheryl.
That's enough.

it's all right, Bill.
I feel the same way.

It's those agitators
and race-mixers

I feel like
taking a swat at.

Troublemakers in
the Berg are ready

to put a torch
to the city.

to put a torch
to the city.

You want us to burn up
like Watts?

Every head coach in
the system is white.

We had to give them

It's the world we live in,
God help us all.

I left North Carolina
because I was passed over

for a job that I had
rightfully earned.

Gave it to a white coach
down there

couldn't even tie up
his own football cleats.

Now you are asking me
to do the same thing
to this man?

I can't do that.
Folks in Carolina say
you marched with Dr. King.

Say you stood toe-to-toe
with the Klan.

Said you're a race man.
That's right.
I'm also a family man.

Coach Boone, black folks
have never had

anything in this city
to call their own

except humiliation
and despair.

Dr. Day, excuse me.
Herman, I think you'd
better look outside.

So, you see,
we need you, Coach Boone.

Come on,
meet the people.

Coach Boone,
I'm Charles Campbell.

This here is
my boy Julius.

He can be the fi nest
defensive end

in the whole state
if you push him to it.

I've heard a lot
about you.

You're like an answer
to our prayers.

Now, wait a minute. I'm not
an answer to your prayers.

I'm not a savior
or Jesus Christ,

Martin Luther King,
or the Easter bunny.

I'm a football coach,
that's all.

Just a football coach.
You're our coach.
You're our coach!
Coach Boone!
