Uh, yes.
- Yes--no, sir.
- No?
It was fun.
Not anymore, though,
is it?
Not right now.
It's not fun anymore.
Not even a little bit.
Make up your mind.
Think since you're thinking.
Go on, think.
Is it fun?
- No, sir.
- No?
Absolutely not?
Zero fun, sir.
All right, listen up.
I'm Coach Boone.
I'm gonna tell you all
about how much ''fun''
you're gonna have
this season.
We leave for camp,
Gettysburg College,
August 1 5th, 7:29 A.M.
If you report at 7::30,
you will not be playing
football this season,
you will be watching.
You will wear
a jacket, shirt, and tie.
If you don't have one,
buy one.
Can't afford one,
borrow one from your old man.
If you don't
have an old man,
then find a drunk,
trade him for his.
'Cause I guarantee you
there isn't a bum on the street
that looks as raggedy
and ridiculous
as what I'm looking at
right now.
This is no democracy.
It is a dictatorship.
I am the law.
If you survive camp,
you will be on the team.
If you survive.
Check 'em in, Coach.
Checkin' 'em in.
I'm Coach Hinds,
your offensive line coach.
Yell out your name and position
starting from the right.
Petey Jones,
running back.
The running back, y'all.
Whatever, Petey.
Get out here!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jerry Harris, quarterback.
Hallelujah, Rev!
It's just
a nickname.
And who in the name
of heaven might you be?
Louie Lastik,
offensive lineman.
Naval family, just moved
here from Bayonne.
Someone said football,
so I come runnin'.
What's goin' on,
With him calling the shots,
ain't none of us
gonna see nothin'
but the bench this year.
He ain't calling
the shots. You'll play.