Remember the Titans

I've been doing my job.
Then why don't you tell
your white buddies

to block for Rev better?
'Cause they have not blocked

for him worth a plugged nickel,
and you know it!

Nobody plays!
Your self included!

I'm supposed to wear
my self out for the team?

What team?!
No. No, what
I'm gonna do is,

I'm gonna look out
for myself,

and I'm gonna get mine.
See, man?
That's the worst attitude
I ever heard.

Attitude refects
leadership, Captain.

Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go!

Wake up, gentlemen,
it's late.

It's 3A.M. In the morning.
All right, listen up.
You will follow Doc, myself,
and the other coaches,

we're gonna take a little
run through the woods.

If you get lost
along the way,

don't bother
coming back to camp.

Just hitchhike
your hind parts on home.

Any questions?
Coach, this is a high
school football team.

We're not in
the marines here.

Let's go.
Let's go.
!! Tell me,
where have you been!!

!!My blue-eyed son?!!
!! Where have you been!!
!!My darlin' young one?!!
!!I've stumbled
up on the side!!

!! Of12mistymountains!!
!!I've walked
and I've crawled!!

!! Over6brokenhighways!!
!!But it's hard!!
!!It's hard!!
Oh, no, no.

Come on, baby.
Can't take no rest.

!! Oh, it's hard, girl!!
!!It's a hard rain!!
!!A-gonna fall!!
