Remember the Titans

! Listen, baby!
!Ain't no mountain high !
!Ain't no valley low !
!Ain't no river
wide enough, baby!

! If you need me,
call me !

! No matter
where you are!

! No matter
how far!

! No, no, darlin' !
!!Just call my name!!
!!I'll be there
in a hurry!!

!You don't have
to worry!

! 'Cause, baby, there !
!!Ain't no mountain
high enough!!

So, Julius, I was
thinking that we--

He's in the shower.
!!Ain't no mountain
low enough!!

What do you want, man?
You know what I want.
Come on!
!!I told you!!
!! You could always
count on me!!

Ooh! Ooh!
Hey, Bertier!
Get off. Get off.
You have no idea
who you messed with, man!

There's too much
male bonding

going on in here
for me.

I'm out. You dig?
All right!
What is going on here?
!!Ain't no river wide enough!!
He kissed me, man!
!! To keep me from getting
to you, babe!!

!! 'Cause baby there!!
!Ain't no mountain
high enough !

!!Ain't no valley low enough!!
!Ain't no river
wide enough !

!To keep me from gettin'
to you, babe !

- Ronnie Bass.
- Yes, sir.

I like that haircut.
Get in there

and show me what
you got. Option left.

Let's go, baby.
Rookie quarterback.

Side field, come on.
Left! Left!
Set! Hut!
Ball! Ball! Ball!
Hard step.
Read the tackle.
Got to see the pitch,
all right?

you can throw it a mile,

but you
can't pitch it 3 yards.

Gotta see it.
If you don't read it,
you weave 'em.

- Rev!
- Yes, sir!

Show him how.
Yes, sir.
