Every coach has
certain tendencies--
All of them
except Ed Henry.
The only time
we'd be seeing Ed Henry
is at the state
Well, gosh, this is...
this is great stuff--
Every quarter
broken down,
how many times they run
each play. I mean--
You like that, huh?
We'll be very tough
defensively with this.
I think so.
I brought Nicky by.
She was asking me
about Sheryl.
I'm getting
ready to take her over
to some of
her friends' house.
Any time you want to
bring her by the house,
we'd be more than
happy to have her.
Oh, he's so cute.
He's in
my third period class.
What y' all staring
at old Sunshine for?
I'm the one dominating
on the field.
He ain't played
a minute all year.
Who cares
about the field?
Well, I don't want to be
the one to break your heart,
but Sunshine's
from California.
Yeah. A California
is from California.
He's a Californian--
You talking
to my girl?
I don't see any
livestock around here,
so I don't know what
you talkin' 'bout.
It's a fight!
Guys, stop it!
Get off me. Get off me.
You want some?
Hey, hey, break it up.
et your hands
off me, man!
Hey, get off me!
Come here, man.
Petey, get these girls
out of here.
Get out of here!
Uncle Tom traitor!
Uncle Tom!
I know you didn't call me
no Uncle Tom.
Y'all better
back off me now, man.
Go! Move!