Sara's got juice!
Sara's got juice! Ohh, Sara!
love, Tyrone C.
Get your shit together.
You made bail.
How much?
Most of our cash.
You're up for consortin'.
oh, shit, man!
Angel says there's a war
between the Italians and Blacks.
Sal the Geep is keeping the shit
in Florida until Brody's gone.
- No one's got a thing.
- Except Big Tim.
Shit. let's go see him.
He only givin' up for pussy.
Pussy. He's hooked on it, man.
I'd give him all he wants.
He said I ain't cute enough.
Come on, number three!
This drives most people crazy.
They're not gonna like it.
This is easy so far!
Give it up for 30 days, it will...
You all right?
Yeah. It was just a bad dream.
Want some water?
Maybe we should dip in now.
Come on! I already told you,
all right?