Requiem for a Dream

What are we gonna do?
I don't know.
Well, you have
to do something, Harry.

It's your fault
we don't have anything.

- What?
- You were all hot last night.

- That is such bullshit!
- We could've had something...

Was I supposed to watch you
push off and not go myself?

Don't put it all on me, OK?
Don't worry, man.
We'll fill it up again.

Things'll get better,
then we'll be fillin
the box back up, you know?

you wanna hear the news?

What news?
You got your good news,
you got your bad news.

Good news is,
there's gonna be
some prime on the street.

- Really?
- Mm-hm.

Who told you that?
- Angel.
- Yeah?

Sal the Geep sent word to let
a couple of keys go for Christmas,

him being a good Christian and all,
not wantin' bad feelin
during the season.

- You believe it?
- Well, I did...

till I heard the bad news.
Price is double.
You have to cop for weight.

- At least a half a piece.
- How much?

- Two.
- Two?

- That's fuckin' insane!
- What you gonna do?

Man ain't gonna
lay no nickel bag on ya.

Where we gonna get two?
You mean Arnold?
Well, your parents
won't even return your call.

I haven't seen him in months.
