Requiem for a Dream

I told your ass,
stay away from that arm. See?

I gotta call Marion, man.
That's about to be
a long-distance call now.

That's 600 miles!
We are 600 miles closer to Miami.

It's also 600 miles
further away from New York.

I know where to get
a real nice taste,

though it's more like play.
Sunday night?

We're throwing a little gathering.
All good people.

I can't, I'm busy.
Anyway, I'm not really hooked.
Oh, I know,
but it's a real nice taste.

I'll see you Sunday, Maid Marion.
OK, just try
and answer my questions.

- When did you start taking pills?
- Oh, the summer.

- You started last summer?
- I got the best place in the sun.

- Ada fixed my hair.
- Everything is gonna be all right.

We'll get you fixed up in no time.
- Hold tight, man.
- I can't fucking cut it.

I gotta do something about my arm.
let me see what it looks like.
oh, damn, Jim!
oh, man.
That's one ugly motherfucker.
- I gotta call Marion.
- Fuck that.

We gotta get you to a hospital, man.
