Are you scared?
Don't take this personal...
...but l've been around more
dangerous guys than you.
Right here's fine.
No charge.
lKeep it. l won't call the cops.
l don't want your money.
You seem like a nice guy.
l am.
You should find a new profession.
Stealing cars doesn't fit you.
What's your name?
You think l want you calling me?
l don't have a phone.
Well, dead giveaway.
Besides, you drive like shit.
How are those acquisitions
coming along?
Progressing real nice, man.
l just have three more deeds
to get signed over.
Let me be clear.
You don't play around with the NFL.
lt's their America, and their deadline
is progressing in less than a week.
l know.
You gotta remember something,
Mr. Roth.
These people have owned them stores
for over 30 years.
So what if they need a couple more
days to mull over their decision?
These are tense times right now.
You know what l mean?
You're murdering yourself.
Golf is a game of finesse,
not power.