Mr. O'Day.
Mr. Sing's at gate B-1 2.
Thank you.
Nice touch on the metal detectors.
Keeps everybody honest, my man.
You have my deepest condolences.
Thank you.
What happened to your son
was tragic.
Very unnecessary.
I want you to know I'll be
looking into this personally.
You will forgive me
if I'm not easily moved.
Mr. Sing. . .
. . .with all due respect,
there is no way. . .
. . .anybody in my camp would touch
your family. . .
. . .any more than anybody in your camp
would touch mine.
It just wouldn't happen.
Our business venture will continue.
I'm pleased to hear that.
Make sure we got 24-hour security
for my son and daughter.
It's all been arranged, chief.