All I gotta do is lash
'em together, take 'em to sea.
That's, uh... outstanding.
You ain't missin' nothin', Hodge.
It's a whole new ball game.
No friends, no enemies,
no front, no rear.
No victories, no defeats,
no Mama, no Papa.
- Yeah.
- We're orphans out there.
It's funny, you know?
One guy walks out through a swamp,
he gets to come home to a desk.
Another guy drives up a hill
and he gets to still be doin' it,
all over the flip
ofa goddamn coin.
You know, that's...
It's funny.
You gave good service
to the corps, Hodge.
To think otherwise
would be just plain crazy.
- You'd have gotten your command.
- Oh, yeah, sure.
What's up, John?
Terry, we've been ordered
to the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden.
This comes straight down Second
Division through General Perry.
The American Embassy in Yemen
is surrounded...
by a crowd of demonstrators.
The crowd isn't hostile,
but it's large enough...
to spook their government
into pulling their security forces.
Twenty-fourth Marine Expeditionary
Unit's gonna provide extra security.
We're gonna baby-sit, Colonel.
Just show our presence.
Remember, though, if it turns
hot, we're looking at an evac.
We got an ambassador and his family
there. Let me run you through this.
Here's your
potential L.Z.S.
Marines at the embassy advise we can
gain entrance through the back way.
Here's some stairs where you
can deploy your men to the roof.
These are your
over-watch positions.
I'll take them in
myself quietly.
One platoon, TRAP team,
put everyone else on Ready Five.