Rules of Engagement

- Sergeant Mac.
- Sir?

Contact all stations.
Mission complete.

Launch medevacs.
Dead and wounded out first.

Aye, Colonel.
All stations, this is RedMan.
Mission complete.

Move all medevacs to L.Z.
Howcopy? Over.

The FBI. investigation shows...
that all the bullet holes
in the embassy wall...

came from directly across
the way, from the snipers.

Any weapons or ammo found
among the dead or wounded?

No, sir. Nothing.
However, intelligence suggests...

this could have been
a terrorist operation.

Any proof?
This is a tape from
the embassy security system.

- Want me to thread it up?
- No. I don't want to watch videos.

I don't want to hear about
ammo casings in some building,

'cause here I got
83 dead people...

women, children, old men.

Another hundred or so
critically wounded.

Here I got an international
crisis of mega fucking proportions!

Bill, you know there have been
regular reports...

of a terrorist
plot against this embassy.

This was a regularly scheduled
protest. It was every week.

It was the usual bullshit about
American presence in the gulf.

Have you looked at these?
I mean, I'm just assuming you have,

since they're on the front page
of every newspaper in the world.

It's not that the rest of the
world wants to hold us responsible,
