we are responsible!
We can't even have
the appearance of a cover-up.
That does not excuse us
from our duty, Mr. Sokal.
We sent Colonel Childers in there,
and the mission went to shit.
We can't go after the man
who carried out his orders...
and ignore the people
who issued those orders.
Childers ordered the slaughter...
of innocent women and children.
Get that straight right now.
I'll tell you
what we ought to get straight.
We lost three
United States Marines.
They lost 83!
Now, are we gonna go to war
with Yemen over it?
We're covering our ass all over
the Middle East right now, General.
Because of your man's
hot headed miscalculation,
we are in danger of losing embassies
in Saudi, Jordan and Egypt.
We're in danger
of losing our presence...
with every moderate
in the region.
Now they're gonna scream
"cover up".
The screaming will get so loud we'll
be sending Marines back over there,
and the body count of American
dead is gonna be higher than three.
I see where you're going
with this, Mr. Sokal.
Will you be needing me
anymore today?
No, that's fine, General.
Good day to you, sir.
Where do you think
you're going with that?
- You don't want to look at it.
- Nobody's lookin' at it.
Why should the United States
be held responsible...
for the actions of one man?
What if the crowd
had weapons?
What if this shows
they did fire first?
He could have fired over
their heads, this moron!
Didn't he know where he was?
The Middle East!
He could have isolated
on the snipers.
He could have
avoided confrontation.
He could have done
50 fuckin' things!
Instead, he destroyed a fragile
trust, put his own men in danger...
Fuck this guy!
Forget this tape.