You're disgusting!
I'm not answering any questions,
all right? Get out of here. Go away.
You fucking baby killer!
Fuck you!
Who the fuck are you
to spit on this uniform? Huh?
You ever play blackjack, Colonel?
Not really.
There are no intangibles.
It's all odds, sir.
You know them, you'll beat
the guy next to you.
You know what cards have been
played, you'll beat the house.
Sometimes you just can't win
no matter what you do.
I saw your man on television
knockin' some zit-faced kid around.
You have to understand the kind of
pressure Childers has been under.
A man with that kind of service...
No, no thanks.
This was a rescue mission
that went bad. Nothing more.
You're aware, Colonel,
we could ask for the death penalty.
You're not serious.
Oh, I'm very serious.
In fact, it's been suggested.
What do you think would happen
ifa Yemeni killed 83 Americans?
He'd have a trial
that would last for one day,
and they'd take off his head.
Have a seat, Colonel.
So here it is.
You plead him out. Guilty.
He throws himself at the mercy.
- We'll help him out at sentencing.
- How much help?
I'm not about to promise you
anything, but I'd say...
in the neighborhood of ten
to fifteen, out in seven.
do you know what the life expectancy
was for a second lieutenant...
dropped into a combat zone
in Vietnam in 1968?
I don't have time
for 20 questions, sir.
Then what's all this shit about
the odds of winning at blackjack?
You got time.
Take a guess.
My guess is your man's going down
'cause he deserves to go down.