You've read my letter of 18 Ventôse?
I was vice-president of the Pike Section.
I represented it at the Convention.
I penned a eulogy to Marat...
You speak and write a good deal.
You're a man of letters, you say.
You know this book?
"The libertine's frenzy only increased...
"He opened a closet
containing several whips,
"withdrew one with a steel tip,
"which made me tremble..."
The printer was judged.
He was guillotined.
Did you know?
It's a defense of crime,
the most bestial debauchery, and atheism.
Who is the guiltier,
the printer or the author?
Rumor has it that you are the author.
Come now, citizen,
I appeal to your good sense.
Is the same person likely to extol
virtue among its great men
and vice in a novel?
No one can be divided in such a way
without going mad.
Take him away.