Hello, citizen.
So you're both gardener and servant.
What's your name?
Citizens, before we begin our meal,
I must acquaint you
with two major developments
of which the Convention
has just informed me.
"In the north,
the valiant Armies of the Republic
"have broken the Austro-Prussian lines
"and scattered the intruders
as far as Flanders.
"And, vigilantly pursuing the enemy within,
"Citizen Robespierre
has declared war on atheism.
"He has had the Convention adopt
"a decree declaring the existence
of the Supreme Being
"and the immortality of the soul.
"A great fete on the Champs de Mars
will be held in its worship."
And now, let us taste this good soup
made with our garden herbs.
Yes, but it needs salt.
The Supreme Being, what is it exactly?
What is it made of?
Is it solid? Gaseous?
Someone must ask Robespierre.
Enlighten me, Madame.
I'm sure I saw you on the stage.
As Mlle Saint-Prix,
I played Sabine in Horace,