Nature goes where it will.
But he's so old and ugly.
A potential protector is rarely an Adonis.
- Kindly remove this abortion.
- You dislike dogs?
Only big hounds that lick you.
Or bite you.
Are there any books around here?
I didn't see any.
You should read. You're intelligent.
I'm not illiterate.
You must have pretty handwriting. If I may...
Would you help me file my papers
and do some copying?
At Saint Lazare, I caught an allergy
that tires my eyes.
You ask for many favors.
I'm sorry, I can't help you.
Are you feeling better, Mother?
A little.
Come pray with me, Emilie.
Where is your father?
Talking downstairs.
Love your father, Emilie.
He may seem inattentive or frivolous,
but it is to him,