Hi, man
Sorry, man. Wait
That guy's funny
How so?
Pay him or he'll leave
I didn't know about the bikes
Why should you?
We've been with you
for 3 years
You're still a mystery to us
You drive that old car, why?
Who are your ex-partners?
What did you do 3 years ago?
And. . .
How much have we earned?
Why are you guarding. . .
our money like crazy?
You like red
Abercrombie and Fitch
And you quit smoking
That's all we know about you
Isn't that enough?
What else do you. . .
want to know?
You won't tell us anyway
Try me
Did you have a girlfriend?
She died
Forget the bikes
But why?
Hey, guys.
do you still want your bikes?
Pay the man
With what?
Thanks, Mac
Yes, sign here please
A present for you
You're a loner, so is she