I hate this.
I really hate this.
Well. somebody
else do it.
We're sea pele.
He's not.
He's a doctor.
I don't have
a fabulous track record
when it comes
to keeping things alive.
It's like the signs.
What signs?
Final conflict.“
A man falls from the sky,
You lose your job,
and all the plants are dying.
I meant to do that.
Do you have
a stock portfollo, perhaps?
What's that?
I don't know.
I just thought
you might have one.
Well. No, there's
nothing like that.
It's just bills
and letters of credit.
I don't understand this.
There are accounts here
for companies I've never
even heard of.
We've got a Swiss
bank account.
There's nothing in it,
but we do have one.
I'm sure
there's something...
tucked away... somewhere.
Yeah. well. that's
what I thought, Gerald.
but, no.
There's not.
There's nothing.
What in God's name
am I going to do?