He you're not
taking advantage of her.
I'm doing this for us!
Is this your way
of saying thanks?
I've got
a much better way.
Mr. Stewart.
You are tonight's
lucky Scotsman.
Well. I either am
or I'm not.
No, no, you definitely
are pregnant indeed.
Is that a good thing?
it's brilllant.
Any idea
who the father is?
I think Iknow.
I looked at the test slldes.
Some of the chromosomes
had littlekilts on them.
Very funny.
I do have
some bad news. though.
There's a slight risk
of ginger hair.
Piss off.
How are
all our plants doing?
Oh. um...
He's called in
an expert.
Oh. Sounds good.
Look, don't mention
the baby yet, okay?
I just want
to tell him
when the time
is right.
What baby?
Have a sweetie.
Will she live,
I think so.
Where did these seeds
come from?
Guy in a pub
in Bodmin.
I mean.
what kind are they?
Oh. They're indica
sativa hybrids.
Purple haze with early pearl
crossed with ruderalls.
Yes. well. anyway,
they're designed to grow
in a very sunny climate.
If you say so.