Saving Grace

It's just a test
a game for us to play...
Hi. Grace.
Hello, Nicky.
I haven't seen you
for days.

You okay?
Yes. Busy.

What are you doing?
Building a fence,
keep out the rabbits.

With electrical wire?
It's electric fence.
Okay. Is Matt
up at the house?

It's just I've got to
see him about something.

No, he's out.

looking for a transformer...
for the electric fence.
If you do see him.
will you tell him

that I'll meet him
in the pub at 7:00?

Yeah. righty o.
Bye bye.
Good book, is it?
Oh. Jackie Colllns.
I'm reading a kafka
at the moment.

Not very funny.
Except the one
about that bloke

that turns into a beetle.
That's a bit wacky.

Wouldn't get anybody
turning into a beetle

in a Jackie Colllns.
Might get someone
sleeping with a beetle.

He wrapped her up
in his stick like arms.
all six of them.

tapping her sensuously
on the head

with his wiggly woggly
aerials. “

That's it.
lf he comes in now,
tell him I left in a huff.

All right, love.
' N ight.
Probably lying on your couch
at home asleep.

you're right.

It gives me
great pleasure

to ask “ Dame Reggae Spllff”
of Port Llac

to switch on this year's
