That's where I'm gonna go
when I die
Where are you?
Here we are.
Good thing.
Keep your eyes
...gonna go to the place
that's the best
It were up at the 'ouse.
I swear it.
I told you.
That's a lot
of llght.
Let's call
the pollce.
And the R.A. F.
They'll wanna be included.
Let's not.
Let's just go
back into the pub.
There's something I want
to discuss with you two.
Are you out
of your fucking mind?
We've gotta get
to the house, to save Grace!
Yeah. Iknow what's
causing the llghts.
J ust come back
into the pub.
I s it gonna blow?
No, I don't think so.
That's it.
Well. how do youknow?
I 've seen it before
in Amsterdam.
years ago when I was
on a medicaI study
something medical.
So that's
their plan. then?
Well. from what Matt's
been saying.
and putting two and two
together, I reckon so, yeah.
Kind of warms the heart,
Grace carrying on the locaI tradition
of complete and utter
contempt for the law.
Makes you proud.
Did you try
that stuff, Doctor?
Once at university.
Didn't inhale.
Drinking after hours.