Honey Chambers?
44 Wilberforce Street,
London. S.W. 3?
He had me
post his letters.
I never got any.
Would you like
a drink?
Do you have any children?
No. I'm not very maternal.
I'm afraid.
I couldn't have any.
No. Iknow.
youknow a lot.
Can I ask you
another question?
lf you want.
How did you ce
with sex?
What a nightmare.
It was exhausting !
Oh. God. it was
so frustrating !
TaIk about flogging
a dead horse!
Not really.
What did you do, then?
Well. I don't think we should
really be taIking about it.
No, please.
I 'd like toknow.
I ce cream.
What? Pardon?