I ce cream.
I sucked it from
his fingertips.
It drove him wild.
I had to pretend to pass out
to get any rest at all.
He was insatiable.
I think he thought
you weren't interested.
He was wrong.
It's a beautiful
I think I 'd like you
to leave, now.
He did love you.
And don't
patronize me.
Look, if you ever
want to taIk
Iknow the address.
Mm hmm?
Will you give me one?
I want toknow
what it feels like.
Grace, um...
lf I'm growing it
and selllng it,
I shouldknow
the effect it has.
Oh. Yeah.
Of course you should.
No, not here!
Come on. let's get it
over and done with.
Calm down.
There's no one about. Relax.