Jesus !
I'll give you
60 quid for it.
Don't be silly!
that's just a sample.
I 've got 20kilos.
20kilos. Grace? !
No, no, no, no, no.
You've got the wrong man.
I mean.
I run a llmited eration.
You're taIking...
You're taIking big leagues.
Well. you just
got promoted.
I don't have
thatkind of money.
Well. do youknow
anybody who does?
I 've heard of someone.
Call him.
He's a bit heavy.
He's not like us.
He's not...
laid back.
Call him.
Come on. Honey!
There she is.
No, wait, wait!
You don'tknow who the guy is
I don't care who he is.
He may be a drug dealer!
You can't wander into that!
You've gotten
so bossy!
You're so insensitive!
That could be dangerous !
They're getting
away now!
Well. follow them.
you dozy quack!