Scary Movie

You never did tell me your name.
Why do you wanna know my name?
'Cause I wanna know
who I'm looking at.

What did you say?

Nice breasts.
Look, what do you want?
I wanna see
what your insides look like.

Well--Well, then,
turn to page 54.

Hey, nice.
Listen, asshole, you've had your fun,
now you better stop or else.

- Or else what?
- Or else my boyfriend's
gonna be here any minute,

and he's black
and he'll kick your ass.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

You mean the one who wears makeup
and dresses like a woman?

- How did you know?
- Turn the porch lights on.

Help! Help!
Oh, that's not my boyfriend.
I mean, I've fucked him a couple
of times, but that's it.

Look, I'm calling the cops.
Go ahead. Call the cops.
But you might wanna
check the backdoor first.

You forgot to lock it.
Take that, you psycho!
I can't feel my legs.
I think my arm is broken.
- Sorry.
- I want my mommy.

Hello, Drew.
