Jaz grem zdaj dol, na bljiji
sede. Se vidimo po tekmovanju.
tevilka tri,
Buffy Gilmore.
Ve kaj? Malo se grem udariti.
Hoèe, da ti kaj prinesem?
Ne, ne. Je e v redu.
Ampak pohiti, kmalu bo nastopila.
Ne skrbi. Bom nazaj.
Dober veèer, Buffy.
In kaj bo tvoj
talent ta veèer?
Igranje. Odigrala bom
dramatièen prizor.
To, ja!
Buffy Gilmore
izvaja dramatièno sceno.
Naredi tisto, iz Obalne strae!
Ona teèe po plai...
Pazi, Greg!
Za teboj!
To je on!
O, moj bob!
Naj kdo kaj naredi!
Naj kdo kaj naredi!
Ubija ga!
Ubija ga!
To je sigurno originalni del.
Ubija ga!
Dobra je. Res je dobra.
- You're hurting her, man.
- And you know what?
That goes for all of you guys.
That psycho wants
a piece of me, bring it on.
But I'm not going to jail.
You got that?
What's everybody
talkin' about?
Just forget it, Shorty.
You already know too much.
Aren't they beautiful?
- Buffy!
- Contestant number one!
Very good.
And contestant number two.
Very good.
And contestant number three.
Buffy! That's my girl!
- That's my girlfriend!
- Yeah, that's my girlfriend too!