You know, your boyfriend.
Yeah, I'm sorry. I guess
I'm a little jumpy lately.
- Hey, any sign of Greg?
- No.
- Do you want me to come by?
- No.
I'm just gonna take a bath,
and then I'm gonna go to bed.
Okay. I'd really like
to see you, but-- I love you.
Aw. I love you too, baby.
Bobby, I told you--
I still know
what you did last Halloween.
Who is this?
- Hello.
- I'm gonna kill you.
- I'm gonna slice you up.
- Who is this?
- I'm gonna chop you like liver.
- What do you want?
I'm in the house.
Do you know where I am?
I could be anywhere.
I'm like the wind, baby.
Yeah. Where am I?
Um, you're-you're
behind the couch.