Well, Cindy, we all have
our little secrets.
Sometimes we do things
we're not so proud of.
Some for money,
others to gain the athletic edge
on the competition.
Sometimes those secrets
come back to haunt us.
- Aah!
- Do you know what I mean?
Yes, I do, um, Miss Mann.
Thanks for ball--
I mean, all your help.
I have to go to class.
Anytime, dear.
- Buffy, are you coming?
- I'll catch up with you guys in a sec.
Somebody there?
Very funny.
Who put you up
to this, Cindy?
Lose the cape.
It's way too '90s horror.
Oh, so what movie is this from,
Die, Cheerleader, Die?
Wanna play psycho killer?
Can I be the helpless cheerleader?
Oh, so this is where
I'm supposed to beg for my life?
Please, Mr. Killer,
don't kill me.