Oh, shit!
- Director's office.
- Sarah, it's Roman.
I'm sorry I'm running late. I'm still
on the 405. I'm about ten minutes away.
Oh, it's no problem. I'm just
lookin' at your music video awards.
Since I got you on thephone, let's--
let's talk about your character, okay?
What character? I'm Candy,
the chick who gets killed second.
- I'm only in two scenes.
- You're not happy with your part.
I'm not happy that I am
35 playing a 21-year-old.
I'm not happy
that I have to die naked.
And I'm not happy that my character is
too stupid to have a gun in the house...
after her boyfriend's
been cut into fish sticks.
Great, okay.
So let's--let's run the lines.
Candy's big moment.
Page 28.
- Hello?
- Who's this?
- Who's this?
- This is Candy.
Hang on.
Let me get some clothes.
See? I don't understand why I have
to start the scene in the shower.
The whole shower thing's been done.
Vertigo. Hello?
And I mean, my boyfriend just died.
Why am I showering?
Why don't we just read the scene?
Candy. Nice name. Is that like
Candy Cane or Candy Apple?
Come on.
Who is this?
I think you have
the wrong number.
- But you know my favourite name?
- I'm hanging up right now.
It's Sarah.
Roman, that's not the line.
It is in my script.