I think someone on the film
is tryin' to find Sid.
- I'm sorry, this is incredible.
- I said, "off the record."
It's Jennifer.
She needs me.
- Gotta run.
- Wait! Dewey, where are you going?
- I'm on duty.
Stop following me.
I happen to be working
for the police, damn it!
- You're not a detective, Gale.
- Neither are you, Mr Incognito.
- Uh, you left your motor running.
- Damn it.
Fans, I can handle. Fans, they want
a picture, they want a conversation.
I can handle fans!
You see this, Dewey?
I haven't had one ofthese in a year and
a half. Someone's gonna pay for this.
-Jennifer, settle down. What happened?
- I'm with him.
- You.
Like I'm ever going
to win an award playing you.
- There's been a second murder.
- Who?
- Sarah Darling.
- Where?
-At the studio.
-Where? Nancy Drew
wants to know where.
Cotton Weary. Sarah Darling.
Don't you get it?
Someone's killing them in the order
they die in the movie.
- Dewey, who gets killed third?
- Who gets killed third?
You do.
I get killed in Stab 3?
I get killed?
- Yeah.
- Dewey, where are you going?
I have to get something
from my trailer.
You live here with her?
- Yeah.
- Oh, my God!
I needed a place to stay,
and she said she liked having me around.
- Why?
- She says I make her feel safe.