This is a good picture of you.
You look just like her.
God, Dewey.
You make it sound like
you're still in love with her.
And I left out the part
that she's cruel...
and selfish,
obsessive and annoying.
We have one Gale Weathers here.
We don't need two.
Hey, Dewdrop,
got your girlfriend out here.
Look who I found slinkin'
around the yard. The nightly news.
I wasn't slinking.
I was walking.
You were eaves dropping
at the bedroom window.
Yeah, a bedroom that
you seemed awfully at home in.
All right, let's talk.
Come on.
- What's this about, Gale?
- Did you know they released Roman?
Sarah's call didn't come
from his cell phone.
- Where did it come from then?
- A cloned cell phone. It's untraceable.
Well, thanks for the update, Gale.
Why don't you just go back home?
Dewey, wait a minute.
Just wait one second.
How old do you think
Maureen Prescott is in this picture?
- Nineteen, twenty.
- That's what I thought,
so I checked it out.
I cannot find any information about
her at this age. I mean, nothing.
She lived in Woodsboro her whole life.
Someone there must know something.
Almost her whole life.
Two years before...
she met Sidney's father,
she left Woodsboro.
No one has any idea
where she went or what she did.
I mean, it's-it's like she fell into
a black hole, Dewey! She vanished!
- So?
- So?
Why is the killer
leaving pictures of-of Maureen?
And why these pictures at-at--
at that point in her life?
I don't know! If I thought
like a homicidal maniac...
then I'd know how
a homicidal maniac thinks.
Look at the buildings.
The second story. There and there.
It's the same!
It's the same street 28 years ago.
Oh, my God. Maureen Prescott was
at the back lot at Sunrise Studios!